COME AGAIN and see.



Come again to the garden, in the gloom of the evening, heavy-eyed disciples, too tired to watch,

The one praying in agony of spirit, knowing this was the beginning of indescribable suffering.

Betrayed, spat on, scourged, stripped, mocked, and on his broken shredded flesh, 

A rough-hewn wooden cross was laid as he stumbled towards the hill of his execution.

Come again to the cross stained with blood from his broken body,

Jesus hung in agony as he bore every possible sin this world had to offer.

As he hung there, his life’s blood pouring from his body,

Those looking on were unaware that blood was the means of their salvation.

Come again to the empty cross, heavily bloodstained with blood so freely shed,

Jesus so willingly went through the agony of knowing what it was to be separated from his Father,

As God could not look on his sin-filled body, our filthy sins, that he bore in our place.

He, who had never sinned, separated from his Father in physical and spiritual agony, hanging alone.

Come again to the tomb, where the lifeless body of Jesus was laid to rest,

Even as those who loved him wept and mourned his loss, such grief and despair,

Unable to comprehend how one who said he had come to save the world 

 had so quickly been put to death in the most brutal way possible!

Come again and see!!! 

The empty tomb!

 The stone is rolled away! No broken body!

The women came in bewilderment, 

how can it be, 

where has he gone? 

Who has taken him away?

And then, angels proclaimed, he has risen! He is not here; he is alive! 

With beating hearts, 

joy spilling over, 

hardly being able to believe what has happened!!

They ran to tell… he was not there!! 

The Grave could not hold him. Death once and for all conquered! 


Salvation is within the reach of everyone who comes to him and loves him, and clasping his outstretched hands can take that wonderful gift of Saving Grace. Amazing Grace.

Alleluia, What a Saviour!!

                                               Easter Blessings, my dear Friend’s Lou.     

God knows who he can use!!

 I love how, at this time of the year, regardless of how cold and iron-hard and frozen the ground is, in some places, deep in snow, the first sign of new growth shows up, bulbs that have lain in the ground for months, suddenly show through, and what I find amazing is, the green shoots don’t belong to a robust strong looking plant, but a small, fragile humble snowdrop!

As I drive to pick up my grandsons from school, I pass wooded areas on each side of the road, and there are carpets of these beautiful Simple tiny flowers covering the cold winter ground, it does not matter what the weather is like, they always show up.

They herald the coming of spring, warm soft air, new life, trees, and hedgerows showing life, that lay dormant throughout the winter months, now springing forth into tender shoots, it makes me so glad to be reminded that, after dark, cold, winter, new life always follows.


Snow so cold and icy

On the ground a blanket white,

We marvel as from underneath

Shoots peep so frail and light,

The snowdrop looks so fragile,

As does the crocus too,

Yet through the snowy landscape 

They burst so pure and new.

And then it seems the wonder

Of life, despite the cold,

Despite the wind and icy rain

We see new life unfold.

To us the cold condition 

Of icy freezing snow

Would be the very opposite. 

Where fragile life would grow.


I love the thought that God is a God of the impossible, he uses a fragile flower to illustrate it does not matter how small and insignificant you may feel, anything is possible with God!

How often he used the most unlikely candidates to be vessels of usefulness, to go and tell people about his Love and sacrifice?

He did not choose those in high places, rich, highly educated, and wealthy people, no, he called the lowly fishermen, a much-detested tax collector, he chose Saul a self-proclaimed murderer and a prostitute.

We may feel insignificant, not gifted at being eloquent in spreading the good news, and feel a lack of courage and boldness to speak up in this broken world!

But…. if God can make the fragile delicate snowdrop push through harsh icy ground and bloom bringing the first signs of brand-new life, it just proves nothing is impossible!! 

Over these past few weeks I have been challenged to come out of my comfort zone and be an advocate for victims who have been abused by people they thought they could trust.

I know within me, naturally, that I am not bold or have the courage needed for what the Lord has called me to do.

Still, I know, that as the Holy Spirit works in and through me, I  will be given courage, boldness, and Godly wisdom, and will prove that, God can use me, you, and anyone who may feel insignificant, to bring honor and glory to his name.

Love and Blessings dear Friends


Please feel free to leave a comment, I love to receive your feedback!!







PLEASE TAKE THIS FROM ME LORD, and replace it with peace.

There are times in life when thoughts,

feelings and life in general just clog up our

spiritual clarity.

Well, that seems to be my experience!

 Those moments of fleeting clear understanding and vision never last long enough before the clouds sweep down, and we are in the next phase of experiences that will undoubtedly teach us what we need to know, these can be lessons of endurance, patience, faith, belief and of overcoming crippling anxiety.

At this moment in time, I am having to learn to not keep picking up the burden of heartache I am holding out to the Lord.

I  am giving the Lord my deep heartfelt worry about my youngest daughter. She is making decisions, and taking a path that could lead to dire consequences.

I pray every day, through the day, at night before sleeping!! And if I wake in the night I pray then,

 “Please Lord, let her be wise in her choices, keep her safe, and her children from danger and harm”

I give her to God; I pray that she will encounter Jesus and that she will see the error of her ways.

All too often I strive to keep strong, willing her to change,  but in the end, I have to let go of my stubborn will, my pride,

 Give in, and then I encounter the mercy and bountiful Grace of my Saviour, I know he hears me, knows the situation, and is in control.

And It is then I  know of that peace that passes all understanding, and a love that will be with me forever.


Lord, you know my every thought.

Desires deep in my heart,

You know my stubborn nature,

From which I need to part,

My inner wants, my longings to,

Change everything, and yet,

You’ll give me what you know I need,

Not things I hope to get,

At times when life is getting tough

And I don’t let others see,

You know I want to just let go,

And run to hide and flee.

But even if I find myself.

Completely all alone,

Still, you are there to see my tears.

And hear my anguished moan.

Before I’ve put my thoughts in place,

And tried to sort them out,

You Lord are, one step ahead,

You know my fears and doubts,

I sometimes try to overcome,

Dark thoughts by my weak strength,

To try and stop my failing faith,

I’ll go to extreme lengths.

But in the end, your love wins out,

And I lay prostrate, still,

I just let go, of stubborn pride,

And pray,” Dear Lord please fill.”

“Fill me with your love and peace,

Till I just willingly let go,

And striving self just ceases.


                                                           love and blessings Dear friends. Lou.

please feel free to comment, I love to read your thoughts. thank you.


A New Year Beckons!



A NEW YEAR….2024!!

A New Year, fresh opportunities, new expectations, what will the Lord ask of me?

Am I ready and willing to face new situations and uncomfortable experiences, what if a door closes, or slams shut? Will another door open slowly or maybe suddenly burst open!!!

I know that all will be well if God, my father, is there in every experience.

As this new year begins, I realize I need to make every day a day to get closer to Jesus. To start each day in his presence, and to let go of my desires, wants, and dreams, to say “Lord, let your will be done I pray, use me even if I do not feel able, willing, if I don’t know what to say, or do.

Strengthen me in my weakness, work in and through me so that others can see you not me.

As I consider where I am now, my situation will no doubt remain the same as it has over the passing year.

 I cannot see any way in which life will change, but God knows what this year is going to be already, and that is why, despite not expecting any change, I need to be ready, and willing for change and for the Lord to use me.

EGGS, NUTS, ORANGES BANANAS…. They all have one thing in common, before they can be of any use, in being eaten, they must know of having their outer layer broken, crushed, cut, and peeled.


Eggs must be broken before they can be used, just as nuts must be put in a metal nutcracker and crushed until the outer hard layer cracks to reveal the nut inside. An orange is encased in a thick pithy outer layer, and bitter to taste, but once that is cut away the orange can be eaten, juicy and delicious. A banana must be peeled to reveal the fruit within, which once exposed is easily bruised, but can be used in so many ways.

As I have pondered over this, I ask myself, am I willing to be broken, cracked, and peeled?

The aroma from an egg or an orange can only be smelt once the braking and the cutting have taken place.

There are so many stories I have read of brave God-fearing men and women who have lived a Christ-filled life, revealing the Love of Jesus and the grace of God, going where they are sent by the word of God and the nudging of the Holy Spirit, facing adversity, danger, persecution, and even death.

Without a doubt, they knew what it was to be willing to let go of their own will, through being broken, crushed, cut, and peeled.

Our Loving Saviour Jesus Christ was willing to be broken, crushed, and cut. As his garments were peeled off his torn and bloodied body, he gave himself the perfect sacrifice, so that we can all know of salvation beyond this earthly life, eternity, forever with our Father God, our Saviour Jesus Christ.

So, this New Year may hold challenges for us all.

But our wonderful Father God saw us through the year that has gone, and he has promised he will never leave us or forsake us, he is getting a place ready for us in heaven, what amazing promises to hold on to.

So, take heart  “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”  (Romans 8:31).

I wish you all a blessed and healthy new year.

Love and blessings


I would love to hear from you, so please leave any comments in the comments box.


The Lord has laid something on my heart that I need to share.

It might seem out of place when we are coming up to celebrate the wonderful birthday of Jesus, to speak about life ending, and yet, the whole point of Jesus coming to earth was to give life to all humanity, as in perfect love he lived, died, and rose again.

With all that is taking place in the world today, the consequences of wars, so many innocent lives cut short in a split second, the indifference to believing in God, young people taking their lives in their own hands, carrying a knife as self-defence, only to take another’s life, someone who had left home that morning, never to return in the evening.

I wonder what people’s answers would be if they were asked as they stepped out of their front door to start the day,  “Are you prepared for eternity if today you don’t come back home?”

On Saturday the 10th of October 1998, at around 10.00 in the morning, a young man, a month off his 40th birthday was driving on a bypass in Wales when he was in a fatal accident, and his life came to an end suddenly and without warning.

On that same morning, at around 10.00 I was hanging out washing, and I couldn’t shake off the dread that had come to me in a dream the previous night.

It wasn’t until 9.00 pm that same day, that my brother-in-law came knocking on the front door to tell me my only brother had been involved in an accident, and when I asked, “How is he?” he shook his head.

Even now 25 years on, the loss and grief still wells up, and I mourn my brother who will be forever 39.

Was he ready, I don’t know, and that lies heavy on my heart.

That’s why there is such an urgency to ask people, “If you don’t get to go home tonight, are you ready for eternity?” 

Charles left a gaping hole; he was in the middle of four sisters. He left his beloved parents and sisters utterly devastated and empty.

It fell to Dad and Mum to go and sort out his house in London, a heartbreaking and painful job. It was as if he had just gone out, expecting to return. 

Little things like a hair in his comb, his toothbrush in a mug, and all his belongings.

One very poignant and heartbreaking discovery they made was, looking through his diary, there was written in his distinctive handwriting, in the forward planner for the following year, “Move back to Norfolk”.

He was making plans, looking ahead, looking forward to moving back near to his family, but those plans never came to fruition.

It’s only natural that we have to look forward and make certain plans, and it’s always exciting to plan a holiday, but……. The first and foremost important decision that is imperative for everyone to make is to be ready if one day we don’t get to go back home.

Look to Jesus, believe, love, and live with the knowledge that if suddenly this life on earth is snatched away, our home eternal with our Saviour begins and lasts forever.

Love and blessings my dear friends 




I was inspired to write the following after hearing how the word of God spoke to two of his daughters in Christ,  on the same day, at the same time, on 7th October, following the dreadful massacre in Israel. 

They both had the same message laid on their hearts, even though they were miles apart at the time. It was only when they spoke days afterward that they realised God had spoken the same message to them both!!


War has come to Israel, there has always been conflict and bloodshed between countries in the Middle East, but something seems different.

Far too many precious lives are being lost, massacred, lives who may not have heard the Gospel! This is a tragedy,  there needs to be a greater urgency to stand up, rise, and proclaim the good and precious news of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Jerusalem, Israel, the place we associate with Jesus, is now caught up in killing thousands of innocent lives because their enemy caught them unaware.

The war in Ukraine is grinding on, a long-drawn-out bloody conflict lives lost, so many millions of people without homes, being forced to seek refuge in other countries.

There is a sense that man’s desire for power, fame, money, and control is spinning out of control, and the rampant millions who seek to fill that void within them, are oblivious to the fact, that the one person who can fill that empty pit deep within them is only an outstretched arm away!! If only they would turn to Jesus, the one who would fill that space so perfectly!!

There is only one word to sum up the sorrowful state of the world, and that is  SIN!!

God knows those he can use and send to “RISE UP” he calls women of God, his daughters, he puts within them sparks, that when he speaks ignites into a flame, and the flame will put fire into their hearts!

The time of holding back is over, it is time to trim those wicks,

fill those lamps with oil.

It is time to allow him to search the hearts who will go forth, to let go of anything that might hinder the filling up of the message that God wants to be proclaimed, a message to awaken so many who are slumbering in complacency.


Arise all you women of God, arise!

The time has come,

Trim your lamps,

Fill them with oil,

I am calling you.

Look, see the great harvest before you!

I need you

To shine my light in and through you,

So, my glory can be revealed,

Give voice with one accord,

Gird yourselves with the sharpest sword,

For you will be in the firing line

From Satan himself.

But I AM with you,

I AM never not with you.

Make haste, there is no time to linger,

Be bold and speak the truth,

Before more lives are lost.

The time is drawing closer

When it will be too late?

So come, rise daughters of mine,

I will show you where I need you,

Do not fear,

Do not linger too long,

I will be with you.

I hear some say

 “What can I do?

I cannot haste from where I am”

My dearest daughter, do not fear,

 Even though you cannot venture forth,

Great comfort and strength will come from prayer,

Pray for your sisters everywhere.

Come rise, it’s time!!

Every blessing dear friends

Lou .



Driving back to Norwich for a late shift at the West Norwich Hospital the day after I passed my test!!

I passed my driving test when I was 18,( 48 years ago!! ). Over the years I have driven in a variety of different vehicles a Ford Anglia, a little singer with the engine in the back, a long-wheel Land Rover that was like a tank to drive and sounded like a tractor! and my last car was a sturdy Ford Focus estate, that when you put your foot down to go quicker it would eventually respond a mile up the road!!

While driving these various vehicles I have always kept a clean license…….until last year!!

At the age of 65, I had my first conviction for speeding!!   To say I was utterly mortified is an understatement, to make it worse, I was on my way home from the chapel with my young grandson beside me!!

It was Ethan who said,  “Nanny,” I think that policeman is speed trapping?” I quickly checked my speed, and thought I was ok, but, driving a newly acquired car, of a sporty type, I was not used to one that was so sensitive on the gas pedal!!

I waited one, two, and nearly three weeks expecting the dreaded letter to arrive, I was beginning to think I was ok when the brown envelope was posted through the letter box.

  I had to do a speed awareness course on Zoom, and I learned a lot of valuable information, especially being told about a little button on my steering wheel called LIMIT.

I am now very aware of the repercussions of breaking speed limits and keep to them with diligence! much to the annoyance of those driving Behind me who want to go quicker!!

I was mulling this over the other day, and I was thinking of speed limits, they are there for a reason, to keep everyone safe. So, when I enter a  30-speed limit, I press the limit button to limit my speed to 30, if I go over it will bleep to let me know I am going too fast.

But how many times have I In the past, gone a little over the limit, not got caught, and not let it cause me to feel guilty? Because it was just a little over what the law said was safe.

We all have an internal LIMIT button inside of us, and those who love Jesus have the Holy Spirit as our LIMIT button.

Many today have disregarded their inner conscience, to the point, that they are no longer aware of any uncomfortable prods, and even if they are good decent people, they will feel there is no harm in a half-truth here and there or breaking the speed limit on a clear stretch of road.

But Sin is Sin. Breaking the law of the land is missing the mark!!

How easy it is to do something only to discover we are breaking one of God’s commandments.

I was out shopping with Ethan, and I went to a self-service checkout, I used one of the bags hanging near the till, scanned my goods, paid, picked up my bag, and walked out of the shop, then I stopped and remembered I had not scanned the bag! I turned to Ethan, and he said, “Oh Nanny, don’t worry!”

But I felt bad, so I said, “It’s stealing!! next time I go and shop, I will pay twice for one bag”! (Which I did this week!!)

If we follow someone who is keeping to the speed limit, we will be within the law.

When we follow Jesus we will be within his will.

When I am driving and approaching a bend or a junction or coming to a speed limit, I have a little symbol light up of a green foot on a pedal to tell me to slow down.

 If the car detects an obstruction in front it will immediately make a noise and flash a red warning, this has happened twice and is pretty scary!

My car doesn’t give me any excuses to drive badly or break the law!

So, you know, when we make mistakes, do things wrong, we need to be corrected, and as uncomfortable and unpleasant as it is sometimes, it’s so essential as it helps us to change and be more aware of our behaviour, motives and how we live before others.

My experience of being caught speeding caused me to feel mortified, guilty, and ashamed, but in having to do the speed awareness course, I learned a valuable lesson, and if I have annoyed many fellow road users as I keep to the speed limit, I make no apologies!

                                Love and blessings my friends. Lou.







“Lord, you are showing me that even In times of foggy vision, when I can’t see beyond the end of my nose!! You are teaching and helping me to hold on, pray, and search your word to know that all will be well.”

I am going through a period of being taught the need to keep praying, reading the Word of God, getting down on my knees, submitting and giving the Lord my stubborn pride, my hardness of heart, my very being of human sin, and asking him, fall on me, break me, humble me, so I might rise in weakness yet strong in Gods will. , and courageous, not of myself, but from the indwelling spirit that is holy and righteous.

God knows us better than we know ourselves!!! He knows every sin we have committed, he knows our weaknesses, he understands our doubts and lack of faith, he is already aware of what we are going to face in the future, around the next bend in life’s road, and so in his amazing Grace, knowing the truth about us, he wants to equip us for the journey ahead.

A few weeks ago I found myself in the darkest place I have ever been, it was as if I was being robbed of my faith in Jesus and the ability to believe!! as I read my Bible, from Deep within I heard voices saying, it’s all a fairy tale, it’s all made up, you don’t know Jesus, you are empty.

All I could do was say, “Hold onto me Lord, even if you are not real Hold on, and don’t let me go!”!

I woke every morning for what seemed like day after day, filled with a heavyweight in the pit of my stomach no inner peace or joy. and no desire to pray, read my Bible, yet inwardly saying “Lord please hold me, don’t let go”!

Then one night, I woke up, and in the darkness, I lay in bed, reached out my arms, and pleaded with Jesus to save me from the terrible darkness that was overtaking me, break Satan’s hold over me, and let me wake up the next morning full of the holy spirits peace, conviction and joy, instead of the spiritual emptiness that was hanging over me.

I don’t know how long I lay like that, but eventually, I must have slept.

The next morning, I woke and knew immediately something was different, my inner heaviness had been replaced by such a lightness of peace and joy, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was with me.

That morning was a mountain-top experience, I didn’t want to lose the amazing sense of peace and joy and love I was experiencing, and I have come to see that mountain-top experiences are so precious, yet so fleeting, we get just a glimpse of what is to come, a vision, a small still voice that ignites our inner spirit and makes us never want to leave that place of blessing.

But all too soon, so quickly, it’s down the side of the mountain into everyday mundane life, yet, in those experiences that come, as we head away from the top of the mountain. and experience some tough and painful times deep in the valley, we can hold onto the blessings that we were blessed with on the top of the mountain, even if they seem dim and distant, our gracious God is with us and will never leave us..Ever!!!!

Love and Blessings my dear friends.     Lou.

Wait for the Lord…..



As I was getting up, I had a thought come to me this morning.

(I am so conscious that I must be honest as I share with all my dear friends who read my blogs,)

If I had planned to meet up with a dear friend to spend time with them, and we had decided on a set time and place, how long would I stay and wait if she didn’t turn up at the appointed time, would I think of all the other things I could be doing? Housework, shopping, etc….

No, I would be going through all the scenarios that might have held her up, running late because of Road works, or worse an accident!!!!!

Then I thought of my time in prayer, especially first thing, before the day begins, how long do I wait for my Heavenly Father to show up before I start to think of all  I have to be getting on with?!    At times the Lord seems to be waiting for me!  But often, I am not ready, I have to quieten my mind, and thoughts and get into the place where the Lord can speak.

Yet…….Do I wait as long as I would if I were meeting up with a dear friend, do my mind start to wander, and think of all the jobs and chores waiting for me?

No dearer friend deserves our time more than Jesus.

In Waiting I have to have patience, and surely, there should be anticipation of the blessing I will receive as I wait.

How often have I given the Lord the dregs of my time, I shortchange, and I miss out to my detriment, all the Lord would have blessed me with, had I waited patiently in anticipation for all the Lord wanted to give me?

I have proved this many times, and I need to learn to “fix my eyes on Jesus”   Because if Jesus returned at the moment I was waiting, yet thinking of all the mundane stuff I had to do, they would be of no consequence because at that moment Jesus would be my only priority!!

Love and blessings my dear friends


To Whom Shall We Go?



I was recently visiting a beautiful garden, the flower beds were full of bloom, the grass cut short, the flower beds neatly boarded, it was the sort of garden that, as you walked around you came across paved sunken gardens, a pond with fish, and steps leading to a low walkway underneath a bridge.

Whenever I see steps leading to a place just out of view or an archway that leads to a place that, unless you go through, you don’t know what is at the other side, I feel a sense of expectation, wondering, where might it lead to!!

It’s the same when I see a Door in a wall I wonder, what is on the other side!!

When I left home to pursue my nursing career, I loved to have a challenge, I had many varied nursing jobs, and after being in a post for 10 months, maybe a year, having enjoyed the challenges of a new experience, once I was familiar with what was expected of me I would start to look for my next job!!

 I was always ready for my next challenge, which, being a rather shy, reserved, and introverted young person, might seem strange!!

However, for some, not knowing what may lie in the future, around the next corner, can be a daunting challenge.  Especially when Life brings changes out of the blue, illness, loss, and a sense of losing one’s control when experiences seem to toss us around on life’s stormy sea.

John 6:68       But Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” NKJV

I love Peter’s response, “To whom shall we go?”

Over the years I have come across “Steps”, “Closed doors” and “Archways” that I cannot see where they are leading. And yes, I have not felt the sense of a challenge so much as dread that I won’t be able to face what is unseen waiting for me,  but, even when I have had times of terrible doubts, fears, and wanting to run in the opposite direction, I have heard those words “To whom Lord Shall we go, if not you?”

Without fail My loving Saviour has held onto me, even as I at times was letting go.

He has heard my Plea, “Lord hold me tight”

So, I don’t know who may be reading this, or what you may be facing at this moment in time, but let me reassure you, I have proved over and over again, that our Loving Heavenly Father, Our Saviour God, will never let you go as you go to him, even if you are barely holding on, he has you in his loving arms.

Take Heart my Dear Friends, Love and Blessing, Lou.